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Runaway To Hell


Chapter Twelve

He was filled with a sense of hope. Today they’d had two big breaks, especially SG-2's find that gave them a way onto the Empyrean Loft when they found its location. So why was there a knot of unease telling him something was wrong with this picture? He read the notes that he'd taken during that double debrief which both teams had taken part in, and SG-2's original mission brief again. Read it another three times and still could find nothing amiss. Maybe after nineteen days of leads going nowhere, his heart wouldn't allow him this cautious scrap of hope. With a sigh he gathered up the pieces of paper when the prelim report caught his eye. Other than a cursory glance he hadn't really looked at it because it had very little information about the mission itself. It was mainly statistical data; the time and date the computer had first confirmed it was an active address, the initial MALP report, when the mission had been approved for further exploration. Basically just the usual paperwork, dotting the I's and crossing the T's. Nothing out of the ordinary.

He frowned rereading it again. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Taking the report, he headed for the science level. Found who he was looking for running a diagnostic on the disc SG-2 had brought back, looking for a comparative match to any civilizations they had encountered, focusing on the planets in the quadrant Annika was known to have been. "Sam, can you take a look at this?"

"Sure. What am I looking for?"

"Anything out of the ordinary?"

She scanned the MALP statistics. Soil samples, atmospheric readings, naquadah levels. "Nope. Pretty standard."

"Would you recommend a team go through based on this?"

"Probably not." She looked at the photos the MALP had taken. "They look like they've only barely reached a post-industrial level of development. There are only trace levels of naquadah, it wouldn't be worth the effort to mine. The township looks reasonably new, so no temples or Ancient history to uncover." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Why? Do you want to go there?"

"That's my point. They've already sent a team. That's the prelim for SG-2's latest mission."

"Huh." Sam took another look, more slowly this time in case she had missed anything. Pointed to the bottom of the page at the section where the mission had been signed off. "I don't recognize that referral code."

Daniel turned his attention to it. The two generals’ signatures were clear. In the margin next to Jack's name were the letters 'HPR'. "I can't think of anyone with those initials."

"Ask Jack, it's in his handwriting."

"Ask me what?" The team leader sauntered in with packets of sandwiches and sodas and tossed one of the food packets and cans to Sam.

"Who or what is 'HPR'?" Daniel handed over the report.

"What am I looking at?" He juggled the soda and his sandwich, trying to read.

"The prelim report for SG-2's mission."

"Ain't that the damnedest thing?" Learning what it was, Jack barely glanced at it. "It's good news. Narrows down the search to one sector."

"It's great news," Daniel agreed. "But what's 'HPR' mean?"

"Why does it matter? The computer's already spitting out the 'gate addresses in that area. Two teams already have the go ahead and we bug out in the morning."

Daniel blinked at his friend. Jack was not so gracefully dodging his question.

"Hey, Carter, whatcha' working on?" Jack pretended not to see the archaeologist's thoughtful frown. However Sam had swiveled on her chair to stare at him with the same look of bafflement.

"Sir, what does 'HPR' stand for?"

"It's just a code Hammond and I came up with," Jack shrugged, flipping open the lid of his box of sandwiches. "Mmm, tuna."

"For what, Jack?" Daniel had moved beyond curiousness. There was a sick angry feeling curdling his stomach. He really didn't like how this conversation was progressing. It was a simple question. There was no reason for Jack to be so cagey.

Jack had to force himself to keep his tone casual. "Hocus Pocus Recommendation."

Having missions swing to approval because of Annika's visions wasn't odd. And Daniel knew there were still missions that had been pushed back in the last couple of weeks as teams searched for his missing wife. And yet... His gaze zoned in on the date the computer had randomly dialed the 'gate address to see if it was active. "This happened after Annika went missing."

Jack considered rattling off the cover story Hammond had come up with about the file of visions. But he couldn't do it. Daniel's eyes compelled him to tell the truth. He took a deep breath and confessed. "Annika Casper-ed into Hammond's office. She reported in her hocus pocus heads up."

Daniel felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "She's been here."

"Yeah. Twice. She's looking okay, a little tired but-"

"You've seen her."

Jack swallowed. Oops. He hadn't meant to let that slip out just yet. He'd admit to being a little concerned by his best friend's tone. He'd expected a little more emotion than that. "You can too. At least the second visit. Hammond installed a hidden camera to record it."

"You didn't tell me."

"Casper's call. Swore Hammond to secrecy. He agreed to keep her coming ba-"

Jack never saw the punch of Daniel's fist. But his jaw sure did feel it. He staggered back, his ears ringing and it took a good couple of seconds before the office stopped spinning. By that time, any apology or explanation Jack was planning to offer was moot because Daniel was gone.

Sam passed over her unopened soda, her eyes not quite as accusing as Daniel's had been. "As his friend you deserved that."

"Yeah." Jack didn't try to deny it, pressing the icy cold can to his jaw. It suddenly registered just where in all likelihood his very angry and hurting best friend had raced off to. "Crap!" He was out the door like a shot.




Daniel didn't pause at the closed door, he was too livid at the moment to give a rat's ass about protocol and diplomacy. "General, where's the footage?"

Hammond wasn't entirely shocked at having the archaeologist barge in. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to know which footage was being referred to. He'd known the longer they kept Annika's astral visits hidden, the harder it would be to maintain the secrecy. He'd also known that when Daniel did find out, as he so obviously had, the degree of his anger would grow with each day that had passed where they hadn't told him. He saw over the man's shoulder Jack taking the stairs two at a time chasing after his teammate, rubbing at his jaw. Guessed correctly that Daniel had slogged him a hard right, and Hammond was glad to have the desk between himself and the archaeologist. Without a word he pulled the DVD disc from his drawer and placed it on the edge of his desk.

Daniel stared at the disc for a long moment, visibly trying to rein in his anger. Blue eyes shot up, looking at the CO in angry, accusing disbelief to have the proof that Jack and Hammond had kept Annika's visits from him. He didn't trust himself to speak, he was barely able to control himself not to land, what he felt was a well-deserved punch on his boss. With a shaking hand he snatched up the disc then spun on his heel and stalked from the room.

Jack, who'd had the foresight to wedge himself against the wall to keep out of Daniel's way, hesitantly poked his head into Hammond's office. "Sorry, sir. As you can see, I kinda told him. He was already figuring it out."

"I'm surprised we were able to keep it from him this long," Hammond sighed. "Perhaps it's for the best. Now that the need for secrecy is gone, we can collectively study the footage and maybe pick up something that you and I missed."

Jack once again rotated his bruised jaw. "I'd wait to call that meeting, sir. Let Daniel cool down."

Hammond didn't even hesitate with his nod of agreement.

The wail of the klaxons echoed through the speakers indicating an off-world activation. A few seconds later, the general's phone rang.

The CO picked it up before the first ring had finished, expecting the call from the control room. "Hammond."

"Sir, it's a radio transmission from the Alpha site," Walter informed.

"I'll be right down."

Jack followed Hammond down the stairs, more to avoid tracking down his pissed-off best friend than any concern there was a new crisis.

Hammond hit the speaker button on the radio. "This is Hammond."

"Sir, a few minutes ago the 'gate activated. The only thing to come through was a rock with a note wrapped around it. It's marked urgent, addressed to you." Colonel Pierce the site commander paused. "It's signed AJ."

The two general's exchanged glances.

Hammond placed his hand on the ID panel opening the iris. "Colonel, send the note through, and include the rock and whatever was used to attach it."

Jack was already heading down to the 'gate room. By the time he entered, the rock was already rolling down the ramp. He picked it up and carefully removed the string that stretched like an odd form of elastic. Quickly he scanned the note, not that there was much to read.



"What does it say, General?" Hammond asked from the control booth, trying to read his 2IC's body language.

"It's a partial planet designation with the message 'massive earthquake'," he replied, studying the paper looking for any other marks.

"Sir." The Marine closest to him pointed to the note, indicating there was something else written on the back.

Jack flipped the note over. His hand clenched around the rock he still held in his hand as he read the short sentence.




Jack couldn't reply. They'd just gotten their first solid lead and now they'd taken one huge step back. Correction. He was responsible for screwing up the only direct line of communication with Annika. Both he and Hammond had been concerned Annika would react this way after that disastrous astral visit. If only he hadn't pressed Hammond to involve him, Casper would still be giving her ghostly reports, they'd have some visual contact and his best friend wouldn't hate him right now. He ignored the voice in his head telling him that if Hammond had continued to keep Casper's visits to himself, when Jack himself had eventually found out, he would've been just as pissed at Hammond as Daniel was. All of the frustration, the anger, the worry of the last three weeks seemed to hit him as he again read the message. With a growl he threw the rock as hard as he could against the wall. "Dammit, Casper! Come fuckin' home!"

The Marines shifted uneasily. To see the seasoned general, known for reacting to any situation with sarcasm or biting quips, react in such a manner revealed just how stressed he was.

Jack visibly pulled himself together. Unapologetic over the display he simply went over to the wall and picked up the rock. As his hand closed over it the stone started to crumble into small chunks. It seemed the impact against the concrete had weakened the rock. He examined the chunks a bit closer to see that there was a quartz-like stone mottled in it that hadn't been visible until it had cracked open. Huh, maybe his fit of temper would result in more than just an outlet for his pent up emotions. With a sigh he headed back to Hammond's office.




From his peripheral vision he saw Sam step into his office. She'd been there for the last five minutes silently watching, judging whether to enter, or if he wanted, needed, to be alone. He sat back in his seat, his eyes not straying from the computer monitor playing the astral visit of his wife. "She's changed her hair color."

"How can you tell?" Sam took the comment as an invitation to come in. Was relieved that Daniel wasn't going to shut her out. She peered closer to the screen and could just make out a scarf around Annika's head beneath the hooded cloak. "She's completely covered."

"Exactly. Not a strand of hair is showing. Her eyebrows are too dark even taking into account the shadow of the hood. Completely covered from head to toe…can't even see her hands."

"It could be cold where she is," she hesitantly suggested.

Daniel shook his head. "She's sweating." He reset the recording and zoomed in for Sam to see. He intently studied the image, unaware that his eyes were drinking in the reflection like a man dying of thirst. "The robe is well made, looks like velvet. She's with a group of people who also wear similar robes."

"Like a uniform?" she asked, thinking about what little they knew about the Empyrean Loft.

He nodded. "It's too distinctive. It wouldn't blend in unless there were others wearing the same style, and to not wear it would make her stand out."

"Maybe we can trace it?" Sam said thoughtfully.

"Long shot," Daniel mumbled.

"But it narrows the field. We now have two points of reference where we know the ship stops, the planet where we saw her and the planet SG-2 came from. This ship caters to an elite clientele. We can eliminate the tribal and less developed planets. Add to that the distinctive style of the robe, well, it had to be made somewhere."

He gave Sam a small smile. When she put it like that it didn't seem like such a needle in a haystack. "There's a pattern on the trim." Daniel played the scene through in slow motion, particularly the part where she had turned at Jack's entrance. "There's an emblem embroidered on her back." Her movement also caused the hem to shift, revealing her foot. "She's still wearing her standard issue boots, but not BDU pants."

While Daniel once again watched the footage, Sam picked up SG-2's mission file that had been discarded earlier. The team had been there almost half a day before overhearing that drunken tune. Daniel's original query resounded in her head. Remembering the excited debrief, everyone had naturally been focused on the disc and the casino ship where the drunk had heard the tune. She had Ferretti paged.

A couple of minutes later the team leader bounced into the room, still on a high about what his team had discovered.

"Major, is there anything of note about the recon before you went to the bar?"

"Nope, not a damned thing. The locals weren't really interested in opening trade negotiations, not that they really had much that we'd want. We were about to call it a bust when we heard the Elvis wanna-be."

"Thanks, Lou." Sam picked up the phone, dialing Hammond's extension. He picked up after the second ring. "Sir, since Annika's visits are now known, can I have a look at what intel she gave?"

"Of course. General O'Neill's about to leave my office now, I'll give the file to him."

"Uh...sir, that's probably not a good idea." She shot a look at the still seething archaeologist. "I'll come and get it."

"Very well."

"I'll be right down." Sam hung up. Quietly slipped from the room, though she suspected Daniel wouldn't notice a stampede at the moment. His total focus was on the ghostly recording of his wife. A minute later Hammond beckoned her into his office. She gave the CO a hesitant smile, which she shifted to Jack sitting in one of the chairs.

"Colonel, I hope you understand my reasoning for limiting the knowledge of Annika's visits."

She gave a single nod. "I do, sir. It was a difficult position she put you in."

Jack tapped at the thin file on the desk. "There's nothing in there that even hints at where she is." Both generals had spent hours pouring over the notes and footage and had come up with naught.

"I don't doubt that. Annika's been too careful. I'm interested in what Annika said in relation to SG-2's mission."

Hammond flipped open the file and found the relevant note. "She gave the last three digits of the planet designation...said that it would be a possible fruitful trade agreement despite first appearances."

"Not that I'm questioning your choice of team assignment, but for trade negotiations wouldn't SG-6 or 10 have been more appropriate?" she named the teams who specialized in diplomacy.

"Annika was specific that SG-2 be assigned."

"That makes no sense at all," she murmured lost in thought.

"Talk to us, Carter."

"From what Ferretti reported there was nothing on that planet that was worth the effort to trade for and the people were standoffish about opening negotiations. The only thing that came from that mission was the intel about the ship Annika is possibly on."

The men's eyes widened realizing what the blonde was trying to say.

"Why would Annika send a team to a planet where she's been?"

"And not just any team. A team who knows the significance of that melody."

"Technically," Jack said slowly, "getting the disc was a trade negotiation. Lou paid for the man's drinks."

"What if Annika doesn't know she is directing us to her?" Sam put forth the question they were all beginning to form.

"You think that on a subconscious level Annika knows that something is wrong about her running away?"

"The evidence is pointing that way. If we had made this connection sooner..." her voice drifted off as she realized she was questioning Hammond's decision to keep Annika's visit quiet. "Actually it probably wouldn't have any effect other than just give us a little peace of mind."

"How so?"

"Well, it shows that Annika is fighting it, sir. That she's capable of fighting it."

"Sir," Jack said slowly, "I think we should officially change the documentation of that vision of SG-2, from a hocus pocus recommendation to a distress call."

Hammond gave an immediate head nod. "Agreed."




Rosettym exchanged a glance with Lya. "Do you feel that?"

Lya nodded, utterly perplexed. Heard the quiet murmur that rippled across the room. Knew without a doubt that the rest of the population beyond these walls had also sensed it. "And we're not the only ones."

The second part of their summit had taken place on one of the furthest planets of the system. It had been where the first meeting of the Great Races had taken place and the Nox maintained the pilgrimage each year to commemorate their union. The planet existed within one of the oldest nebulae in the universe. The summit had been a great success, even if it had finished later than anticipated and as much as they enjoyed it, they were looking forward to being back home. Two and a half lunar cycles was a long time to be out of contact with their roots. But as the city drew closer to their planet, they all felt the unease of the Great Forest.

Rosettym glided her hand over the control orb of the floating city, increasing its speed and changing its final destination from its usual docking place to directly over the majestic Trees from whence all the clans came.

From the bridge she could see all of the Nox preparing to teleport down, a gentle caress of their minds and she knew they all intended to visit their Matriarchs to find out what had disturbed them. She held up her hand for calm, issuing a rarely used telepathic order to all of their minds. "We cannot all descend into the Forest, so many would only confuse and distress Our Trees more. Only clan leaders and a single delegate shall visit the Trees. The rest of you return to your homes and we shall report back to you as soon as we can make sense of what has happened."

As one the gentle group of people nodded, accepting the command from their leader, though their doe eyes were filled with concern.

Rosettym gestured with her hand, indicating that Lya should be the one to travel down with her. The feeling of anxiety grew and the moment the city came to a graceful halt, the five clan leaders and their delegates on the bridge teleported themselves down to the planet, along with the five hundred other clan leaders.

The two Nox had intended to land at the base of their Tree, but the grand Matriarch had other ideas. She changed their trajectory to yank them into her branches. That their landing was hard was a worrying sign. The Tree's branches folded around them, and the women felt the being's trembling through the bark.

"Please, calm yourself, Great One." Rosettym drew on the essence in the air, sending soothing thoughts to the Tree's core. "It distresses us to see you so."

"Tell us what has happened," Lya encouraged, following Rosettym's lead and trying to channel as much calming life force into the Tree as she could. A peek at the neighboring Trees and she saw that the other clans were having as much difficulty as they.

The Tree shuddered and visibly tried to pull Herself together. The images the Tree showed them were jumbled and fuzzy; it was hard to make sense of what had happened. They could see that there had been two visits in the last half cycle. Though the images were so hazy they could only work out that one had been a group of four, the other a lone traveler.

"Why did you not contact us sooner?" Rosettym caressed the warm bark of her clan's true Matriarch.

Lya bent close to the spray of white flowers closest to her, breathing in the scent deeply and caught a whiff of an unfamiliar essence. "If I didn't know better, I would say She has been drugged. Her sense of time passing is indistinct, She believes this only took place this morning."

"We must make sense of what She is trying to show us." Rosettym reached for Lya's hand. "Join with me."

The younger woman gripped her clan leader's hand tightly and the two concentrated on the scattered visions being transferred to them from their Family Tree. It took some time, but eventually they were able to clear the pictures and put them in order.

"SG-1 came in search of Annika. She is missing...no, she has runaway." Lya's heart ached at the sight of the people who had been adopted into her clan. "They are devastated, confused, especially Daniel."

"Why would Annika do such a thing?" Rosettym murmured.

Lya had no answer to give.

The women focused on the next image, hoping for a revelation. The vision shocked them, making their confusion increase.

"Wise One, why did you turn Annika away in her hour of need?" Lya asked completely stunned by the replay. "What had she done that your loving heart could not forgive?"

At the quiet questions every Tree in the Great Forest froze in shock.

Lya twisted in the branches to look at Rosettym, more baffled than before.

The Matriarch placed her hands firmly against the Tree's heart. "Answer your kin, Great One. Please, we just want to understand."

The confusion that pulsed from the Tree was tangible, the insistence that her youngest sapling had not visited since her union to her mate.

"Then who is this?" Lya closed her eyes and concentrated on the image that she and Rosettym had managed to sharpen and clarify.

The Trees immediately around them reached out a branch or vine to Oakey, seeking to receive the cleaned up image as well. Those Trees transferred the image to those behind them until all of the Trees were linked and had viewed the uncorrupted version.

There was a moment of utter stillness and then a rumbling began emanating from Oakey's core center. All of the Nox struggled to translate the fissions of emotions that started to pulse outwards from their Trees, running through the trunk and bark, down through the roots to the deepest part of the soil, up through the branches and leaves and blossoms to spill out into the sky. The confusion quickly gave way to disbelief. Then came the mortifying horror and overwhelming guilt as the image lifted the veil of trickery and deception that had been so subtly employed they hadn't recognized the human who was their kin, had tricked them into attacking the young woman who in desperation had reached out for help. And rage, such as none that the peaceful Nox had ever felt before, let alone from their benevolent creators, began to converge. Rage at their own actions for the hurt they had inflicted, at how easily they had been duped, but mostly at the being who had been the instigator. The Tree closest to Oakey gave a shudder, the first of Them to recognize what the being was.

The word 'daemon' rippled through the rest of the Trees, the Nox hearing it as if it had been spoken aloud.

Rosettym and Lya nearly fell out of the Tree in surprise. Never before had the Great Trees communicated in spoken language, it had always been images and emotions. But now they could distinctly hear individual words being muttered in guttural tones. The voices were heavily accented, like a student learning a foreign language, but what they lacked in clarity they made up for in decibels.

The Nox people clutched at their heads as the Great Trees each clamored to be heard.


Rosettym tried to be heard over the din. "Please, stop! Calm down, explain it to us slowly."

But the Trees were too devastated, too angry, too appalled to listen. "MUST BE FOUND!" The words of the ancient beings were bellowed out, so loud they caused a sonic boom. The shock wave of their pure emotions rippled out to the furthest stars in the universe.

The clan leaders were barely able to issue a warning call to their people before the intensity of the exploding emotions rendered them unconscious.




Daniel scowled at the empty bag of coffee grounds. Not the end of the world, he had a spare. Opened the bottom drawer of his desk where the stash of goodies were kept. It only took a second for him to see that there was no reserve packet of the specialty coffee he preferred. Glanced at the empty bag again. That must have been the spare. Grimaced. Annika was normally the one to restock their supplies. Dammit. This day was just getting better and better. His wife was still missing, his best friend and boss had been lying to him and now he'd be forced to drink the base sludge. With a sigh he grabbed his mug and stalked to the corridor.

Lost in his own silent tirade, he didn't see the object lying on the floor. He stumbled, his hand automatically going to the wall to stop his fall. Unfortunately it was the hand holding the mug. The china smashed against the concrete. Fuck. And there goes my favorite mug. Scowled again and turned his attention to the object that had topped off his day. Gave it a swift kick.

It was only after it ricocheted off the wall and bounced to a stop that he really comprehended what it was. What the hell is a boot doing sitting in the hall for anyone to trip over? He was so not in the mood for one of Ferretti's practical jokes. The thought gave him pause and he picked up the boot with a frown. It was a pretty stupid joke for someone to pull, especially for Ferretti; he normally had more 'class' than that. But then boots didn't normally just move or appear of their own volition. It wasn't like Annika was here practicing her telekinesis...

Heart in his throat he dashed to the door the boot had been outside of. "Annika!" The miniscule, desperate seed of hope was crushed when he saw the room was empty. Instantly he berated himself. Stupid. Why would she astral travel here to practice, when she had done everything in her power to avoid contact?

Gradually he became aware of a voice calling his name. Turned to see a familiar blonde waving frantically at him through the quantum mirror. Glanced down to her feet, and realized where the boot he was holding had come from. Any other day, the sight of her brightly colored striped socks, which were definitely not military issue, would have made him smile. But not today. "Hi, Casey. Now isn't a good time for an intel swap."

"I need to see Annika."

"You and me both," he sighed.

The blonde gave him a blank look. "'You and me both' what?"

"Casey, I'm really not in the mood for word games."

"I'm not playing word games. What did I say?"

He was too mentally drained to press the point. Put it down to a ‘psychic thing’. Annika had had a couple of ‘blank visions’ where she didn’t recall what she’d been shown or had said. "That you need to see Annika." His tone became bitter. "Which you can't. None of us can."

"Why not?"

"Because she's runaway. We have no idea where she is." He saw the look of horror cross her face, and it only just truly clicked in his head that Casey was as powerful a psychic as his wife. "Do you know where she is? Can you help me find her? Please-" He cut off at the sudden roaring in his ears. In a second it turned from merely loud to unbearable and he clutched at his head. The room seemed to tremble, making everything blur. "Help me," he gasped, one hand grasping at the workbench in an effort to remain upright. The last thing he saw before his vision clouded into blackness was Casey's face, stunned and worried.

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