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A Vision From Next Door


Annika woke early despite the late night, wanting to finish off her surprise before Daniel arrived. She’d just packed it in a cardboard box along with a sheer blue scarf she would use for presentation, when there was a hesitant knock on her front door.

Daniel waited nervously at the threshold clutching a bag. "Good morning."

"Come on in." Annika tried to hide her own nervousness as she led him through to the kitchen.

He thrust out the bag for her to take. "My contribution to our brunch."

The enticing smell of cinnamon rolls filled the room.

"Mmm…I love these things. If I could eat them everyday I would." She gestured for him to take a seat.

"Not sitting on the floor today?" he asked with an impish grin.

"Not right now. Maybe later." She smiled back pouring him a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Still caught up in the dazzle of his smile she absently stirred in two teaspoons of sugar and handed it to him black.

A puzzled look crossed his face. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" She opened her cupboard for a plate for the buns.

"Know that I have my coffee black with two sugars."

Annika almost dropped the plate. She’d made the cup without thinking. "Do you really?"

He nodded. His eyes became slightly wary.

Oops. Sometimes her ability could be annoying. "Must have been force of habit. I take mine that way too."

He visibly relaxed. "So that’s two things in common."

"Three actually."

His eyebrows rose in question. "Oh?"

"We’re both night owls. I noticed your light still on around three this morning," she admitted.

Daniel ran his fingers through his hair. "I got stuck into cataloguing some of the artifacts from work and lost track of the time. I’ll probably regret the lack of sleep this afternoon. What about you? Why were you still awake?"

She shrugged. "Same sort of thing. I had a sudden inspiration for a cake and just had to do it. I finished it, but my back isn’t thanking me this morning."

"Can I have a look?"

Annika raised an eyebrow at the innuendo and Daniel flushed. "I mean can I look at your creation?"

He seemed genuinely interested in seeing her work, however Annika wasn’t about to spoil her surprise. She shook her head. "Not yet."

"Any particular reason why not?" he asked curiously.


"But you’re not going to tell me what it is, are you?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

He smiled good-naturedly. "You like your little secrets, don’t you?"

Annika nodded. "Do you mind?"

"Nope. Keeps it interesting."

She hesitantly laid a hand on his arm to get his full attention. "I’ll tell you all my secrets eventually." Her voice was serious.

He appeared startled that she’d actually touched him. "Promise?" he asked, his voice husky.

She nodded.

Everything about this man mesmerized her. She suddenly couldn’t stop herself anymore. Visions be damned! Slowly she lifted her hands to cup his face, stood on tiptoe to reach and brought her lips towards his.

She’d intended it to be just a small kiss to satisfy her curiosity, but fire raced through her body the moment they touched. She knew she’d surprised him and for a moment he was perfectly still. Then his arms were around her, deepening the kiss, eager to taste her as much as she wanted to taste him.

Unsteadily they broke apart.

"Wow," she drew in a ragged breath. "That was…unexpected."

Daniel tried to calm his racing heart. "Yes…but pretty wonderful, huh?"

She smiled shyly at him. "Yeah."

Annika began pulling out the ingredients for the omelettes. Daniel automatically set about helping her chop up the mushrooms and ham, while she cracked the eggs. Neither thought to mention how natural it felt to be working side by side together.

When the omelettes were cooked they decided to eat on the back porch to watch the puppies play.

"So is cake decorating a full time business for you?" Daniel asked as he finished off the last mouthful. "That was delicious by the way."

"Thank you," Annika accepted the compliment taking a sip of coffee. "And yes at the moment it is."

"How did you get started?"

She smiled at the memory. "It started as a lark really. I was browsing a book shop, one of my favorite past times…"

"Mine too, when I get the chance."

"I bet you head straight to the history section," she teased.

He held his hands up in defeat. "What’s a poor archaeologist to do?"

"Anyway, I found this cake book with a picture of the Smurfs on the cover."

"Uh, Smurfs?"

She gave him a mock horrified look. "You’ve never heard of the Smurfs? You know, little blue guys with white hats and pants that live in mushroom houses?"

Daniel shook his head. "No. Can’t say that I have."

"Didn’t you have TV when you were a child?"

Daniel smiled. "Actually my parents spent most of their time on digs in the Egyptian desert. I went with them. It was a little difficult to find an electricity point out there."

"So archaeology is kind of a family business?’

"Yep, even my Grandfather is an archaeologist."

"Well, as interesting as that must have been, you have been seriously deprived. We’ll have to fix that gap in your education." She pulled him to his feet and led him into the living room. Hunting around her DVD collection she continued on with her story. "I bought the book for old time’s sake, and made the cake as a tribute to my favorite childhood cartoon. From that I had friends ask me if I could do their favorite characters for their birthdays, then it was friends of friends and the rest as they say is history." She flicked on the TV and inserted the disc. "Now sit back and be ready to be transported back to the times when the good guys never got hurt and always won."

She pushed back the coffee table clearing the carpet in front of the TV, then sat on the floor.

Daniel looked at her bemusedly. "You really like sitting on the floor, don't you?"

She tugged on his hand until he sat down beside her, leaning on the base of the couch.

"This has nothing to do with that. This is tradition," she explained. "Who ever heard of a kid sitting prim and proper on a chair to watch cartoons?"

Daniel chuckled. "I like how your mind works."

They watched the first episode and to Annika’s surprise Daniel seemed to enjoy the innocent cartoon antics, even laughing at the corny jokes. When the second episode started Annika moved to lie down on her stomach, resting her chin on her hands.

"Another tradition?" Daniel asked amused.

"Yeah, but also it lets me stretch my back."

"Is it giving you trouble?" Instantly he was concerned.

"A little," she admitted. "My own fault though, I shouldn’t have stayed in the same position for five hours last night."

"Why don’t I see if I can fix it?" He moved closer to her. "Where does it hurt?"

She lifted her shirt and touched her lower back. "Here mainly."

He began to gently massage the area she indicated.

Oh, his hands feel wonderful! she thought as he worked his magic on her, loosening the tight strip of muscle. She gave a soft moan. Oh, it feels sooo good!

His hands stopped. "I’m not hurting you, am I?"

"Gods, no! It feels wonderful. If ever archaeology stops paying I’ll hire you as a masseuse."

"I’ll keep that in mind." He resumed his delightful ministrations, moving his hands further under her shirt to her shoulders. "You’re pretty tense here too."

Annika barely heard him. The rhythmic strokes of his hands and the lack of sleep from the night before were making her drowsy. She knew she should make him stop before she dozed off…but it just felt so wonderful… Slowly her mind began to shut down and her eyes drooped shut.




Daniel’s hands reluctantly stilled when he realized Annika had fallen asleep. Well, he thought ruefully he could take that as either a compliment to his massaging skills or as an indication that she wasn’t enjoying his company. His mind replayed the last couple of hours. He was pretty sure it wasn’t the latter.

His fingers skimmed up her back and she unconsciously leaned towards him. Nope, definitely nothing to do with my company. Before he’d come over this morning he decided that as much as he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless, he would let her set the pace. He’d expected to spend at least the next few days, if not the entire week, just talking, perhaps holding hands. She’d totally bowled him over when within the first few minutes she hade made a point of touching him. Then as his heart was thumping in glee at the contact, she’d kissed him!

That kiss was electric! The moment their lips met all thoughts of taking it slow evaporated. For a few blissful moments he'd lost himself, enjoying the taste and feel of her, before reason reasserted itself. When he pulled back he saw she was just as surprised as he had been.

As he absently continued to stroke her back, he thought about what he’d learnt so far. She was definitely intriguing. They’d established that they both took their coffee the same way, were both clumsy and both lost themselves in their work, that is when they could concentrate. This morning he noticed that while she was obviously nervous about having him over, there were no signs of the fear he’d seen last night. What was it that had caused such fear? He no longer subscribed to the theory that she’d been abused, either by her parents or a husband, but something had caused her alarming reactions. Maybe it was his house. In her own home she had no trouble touching things and she sat in her chairs. Was that the key? They were her belongings. When she’d asked the night before if his chair was old, he’d said no and she had almost sat down until he mentioned he’d had it for ten years. Well, to an archaeologist what was ten years? But to Annika it was evidently significant.

For the first time he really studied her furniture. It was good quality, but it looked almost brand new. He pictured the kitchen and outdoor settings. They too looked only a couple of months old. He knew he was on to something but the final piece of the puzzle wouldn’t fit…What was he missing?

Daniel lay down on his side, still trying to work it out. Sensing his presence Annika rolled and snuggled against him. He gladly wrapped his arms around her, happy to spoon while she napped….In fact that seemed like a good idea. Breathing in the sweet sugary scent that he’d already come to associate as her smell, he closed his eyes. He’d work it all out later.

A moment later he was asleep with her still curled up in his arms.




Annika dreamed, but they weren’t her dreams. With Daniel’s constant touch she was given a glimpse of his life. Unlike the visions from the night before, this one played out like a TV show from start to finish, only there was no sound.

Four people besides Daniel were in a stone room that plainly hadn’t been used in years. Broken pillars lay crumbling under a thick layer of dust. She recognized three of the people from her previous vision of Daniel dying, again they were dressed in military fatigues. Daniel and the obvious leader of the group were helping a grey haired woman regain her balance. The dark man with the gold tattoo on his forehead was scouting around the room as though expecting an ambush. The blonde woman was gazing around the room curiously.

An old man, completely naked entered and stopped short, clearly not expecting company. Slowly as though he couldn’t believe his eyes he moved towards Daniel and cautiously gave him a poke making sure he was real. He suddenly gave the startled archaeologist a bear hug and quickly moved to hug the leader as well. The blonde woman moved out of range from the naked little man. He seemed overjoyed to see them. Then he turned to the grey haired woman. His expression changed to a blank look and he simply turned around and walked away, missing the hurt look on her face.

Daniel followed the man through to a domed room. After a few moments of conversation the little man pulled on a ragged tunic and scratched a mark on a stack of rough parchment, adding to a series of tallies. Annika could see it was a crude calendar. How long had the man been there? Daniel flicked through a series of notebooks reading a page every so often. The grey haired woman entered and Daniel left them alone.

The others seem to be discussing an oncoming storm and the room shook like it was going through a mini earthquake. By the way they had gathered around a device that had a smashed (glass?) center something had gone wrong. The blonde woman started tapping the engraved symbols on the device but it apparently wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do.

While the woman and the dark man tried to fix the device the little man led the others into another room. He moved to uncover a pedestal with a small red dome on top. Instantly the room lit up to reveal the walls that were covered with some form of writing. Daniel and the grey haired woman were excited. The leader waved his hand over the red dome and a bright shaft of light shot out from the pedestal like fireworks. It separated into hundreds of fist sized holographic projections floating in a circular pattern around the room.

All of them looked awed but after a moment they realized what the pictures represented. Daniel became even more excited and started peppering the man with questions. The little man waved his hand over the dome and the image changed. Daniel was talking passionately to the leader but he wasn’t interested. Daniel returned to studying the holograms and barely noticed the others leave.

When they returned, from the way Daniel protectively stepped in front of the device, he did not agree with what ever they wanted to do. The leader barked an order and he reluctantly moved aside. The dark man aimed his staff and fired a bolt of energy at the device. The energy was absorbed into the device and the archaeologist looked relieved that it wasn’t damaged. Everyone except Daniel left and he immediately started working frantically to decipher the device. He hardly noticed the tremors shaking the room were getting worse.

The little man came back trying to get Daniel to leave with him. He didn’t want to. Even though she couldn’t make out any words Annika could tell that Daniel was willing to risk staying in the chamber despite the danger of the roof falling on top of him. The little man was just as passionate in his argument to leave. The leader came back into the picture and was siding with the little man. Finally the leader unwilling to argue anymore grabbed Daniel and dragged him through the door.

Daniel pulled free and managed to collect the notebooks from around the pedestal and they ran from the room barely managing to escape from the now crumbling ruin.

The adrenaline rush that coursed through her body at the near death experience brought Annika back to the waking world, so she missed how they finally escaped from the earthquake.

Wow. She didn’t know being an archaeologist could be so exciting. She recounted all she’d seen in her head. It didn’t really make any sense to her. Where had they been? How did they get there and how did they leave? Why did Daniel and his teammates have weapons? The four of them, (she knew instinctively that the grey haired woman wasn’t a part of their team normally,) looked like a military unit. Why would the military have an archaeologist on a combat team? It would explain Daniel’s scars but it still left the question of why? She sighed. She wished she could have heard what they were saying.

"Hello." Daniel’s breath tickled the back of her neck and she twisted around to face him. He looked like he’d just woken up himself.

She was suddenly shy. When had she snuggled into his embrace? Not that she was complaining. His strong arms felt wonderful. "Hello."

"Have a nice nap?" Blue eyes sparkled at her.

"I’m sorry," she blushed. "I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Some host I turned out to be."

"I’m not offended," he reassured pulling her closer. "I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon."

That tingly sensation was back and the urge to kiss him again couldn’t be denied.

This time there was no hesitation on his part. His lips met hers and Annika felt her body turn to fire. Damn, he tastes sooo good! Her hands roamed over his body, feeling the strength in his muscles through his clothes. It wasn’t enough, she wanted skin! Her hands found the edge of his t-shirt and she pulled it up. As she traced her fingers over his stomach she felt his muscles contract and a soft moan escaped his lips.

Wanting more access than their lying positions allowed, Daniel sat up and lifted Annika onto his lap so she was straddling him. His hand moved under her shirt and gently cupped her breast.

"Take it off," she moaned as her nipples hardened at his caress.

He brought his free hand to her face tilting her head so he could read her expression. "Are you sure? If this is moving too fast for you we can stop."

Sitting on his lap she could feel just how aroused he was and the offer touched her to the core. She knew if she said to slow it down he would back off immediately and endure the severe discomfort his unsatisfied arousal would cause him. It turned her on even more.

She steadily held his gaze. "I want to feel every inch of you without any barriers. I need to feel you inside me."

He involuntarily hardened beneath her at her husky statement but he still hesitated. "I don’t want you to have any regrets. I also don’t want you to think that this is a one night stand." She could hear the sincerity in his soft voice. "I don’t do one night stands."

"Neither do I." She lightly brushed her lips against his. "Now please can you remove this so I can ravish you?" she grinned cheekily, tugging on his already bunched up shirt.

His eyes darkened with desire. "Your wish is my command." With one swift move he peeled off his shirt.

Given free access she eagerly explored his body, first with her hands and then with her mouth. Gently she left a trail of kisses around the waterproof bandage on his side. "A result of clumsiness?" she asked curious.

Daniel drew in a ragged breath, "Not exactly."

She continued her quest up his chest and rolled her tongue over his nipple, feeling it harden in response.

"My turn," he murmured as he lifted her shirt over her head. His lips moved down her neck while he unfastened her bra. Once her breasts were free his fingers teased one nipple while his mouth descended on the other. Annika moaned at the tantalizing fissures of heat that erupted through her. Then he swapped, showing equal attention to her other breast.

Her hands hadn’t stopped their exploration of his body. When she reached the waistband of his jeans she whispered in his ear, "We seem to still have too many clothes on."

He had just come to the same conclusion. "I agree. But let me go first." He kissed his way down her stomach, his warm breath made her shiver in anticipation. With aching slowness he unsnapped the button then ran his finger down the zipper without undoing it.

The sensation of his finger so close to her inner core and yet so far away almost drove her mad. He applied a gentle pressure as he moved back up to the top of the zipper. The feeling of the metal teeth caused her hips to buck in response. "Daniel," she gasped as he repeated the erotic procedure. "Please don’t tease."

He grinned against her stomach. "Not teasing," he denied. "Just taking the time to enjoy." Ever so slowly he began to lower the zip.

She could feel his breath through her lacy bikinis. "I’m going to make you pay for that."

"I certainly hope so," he murmured finally tugging off her jeans. She started to remove the only remaining article of clothing but he stopped her. "Hands off, that’s my job." He lightly ran his fingers up her smooth thighs then traced his way around the edges of the lacy garment, purposefully missing the area that was already wet from desire, and moving to cup her butt in his hands. Gently he pushed her back so she lay on the floor. He tucked his thumbs under the lace, making her think that he had finished teasing.

He hadn’t.

When she felt his lips against the lace she gave a gasp of surprise. His tongue made its way along the outline of the lacy frill, driving her wild. She whimpered in frustration and at last he pulled them down her legs.

When he positioned himself between her legs and lowered his mouth, this time with no barriers, she let out a guttural moan. His tongue swirled around her most sensitive area until he found her hard little nub of pleasure. Slowly he inserted one finger and then two inside of her as his tongue drove her to distraction. It wasn’t long before she felt her muscles begin to contract, building up to climax. Daniel quickened his swirling tongue as her breath came in short gasps. She cried out and Daniel eagerly licked up the sweet juices that flooded from her.

She lay there panting for breath as Daniel raised his head.

"You okay?" He had a devilish gleam in his eyes.

She grinned back at him. "Oh, yeah, more than okay." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "But now it’s my turn." Quick as a flash she pulled him towards her and rolled so he had his back to the floor with her straddled on top of his chest. She wiggled her way down his body, leaning forward to let her nipples gently caress his skin. When she reached the hard bulge of his jeans she rotated her hips. Daniel almost bolted upright as she ground against him.

"And you say I’m a tease?" he asked hoarsely, his fingers digging into the carpet.

"Fair’s fair," she grinned wickedly at the groan that escaped his lips. She reached behind her and stroked his thighs through the denim. She felt him jerk beneath her. "I told you I’d pay you back." Keeping that hand where it was she trailed her other hand under his waistband. Her fingertips brushed against his now straining member. "Do you cry Uncle?"

He gasped as her fingernail lightly grazed against him. "Oh, God, yes!"

Slowly she lifted herself off him and lowered the zip. He raised his hips and she pulled off his jeans, taking his boxer shorts with them. Freed from the restrictive denim he stood gloriously erect. Man, he was big! Unable to stop herself she lowered her head and took him into her mouth. His moan of pleasure made her get wet all over again. She cupped him eagerly while her tongue explored his pulsing shaft. He groaned as she began to deep throat him and he pulled her away.

"I’ll cum if you keep doing that." He kissed her deeply. They could taste themselves on each other and if anything it made their passion stronger.

"Please, I can’t wait anymore," she begged. "I need you inside me."

Daniel rolled them over so he was on top. She wrapped her legs around him and slowly he entered her halfway.

She knew he was making sure she could accommodate his engorged length. "More, Daniel, I want all of you."

He hesitated concern in his eyes. "I don’t want to hurt you." He was struggling to keep still to let her adjust to his size.

Her response was to tighten her legs around his waist and thrust her hips forward, forcing him to enter her all the way.

Annika could see he was startled. She tenderly cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. "I told you I want all of you."

With exquisite slowness he began to thrust in and out of her and Annika felt the beginnings of a second orgasm. He increased his pace and she knew he was close to his own release.

"Please cum with me, Daniel, let me feel you inside of me." She moved her hips against his increasing their rhythm. They both kept their eyes open, wanting to watch each other as they climaxed. When her inner muscles contracted, he groaned calling out her name and she felt his hot juices explode inside her.

Careful not to squash her he rested on his elbows, leaving little kisses over her neck and shoulders as they caught their breath. After a minute he rolled over on his side, taking her with him.

She could feel him still in her.

"That was heavenly," he admitted softly, tightening his hold on her.

She snuggled into him, glad that he didn’t want to let her go. "Yeah, it was pretty amazing," she paused. "I don’t normally act like this you know."

He raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"This," she gestured to their naked bodies, "my last relationship took a couple of months before getting half as far as we did today…It’s just with you…" She searched for the words.

"It seems right," Daniel finished for her.

Annika nodded, relieved that he felt that way too. "When I met you last week I had the extraordinary feeling that I’d been waiting for you my whole life, but didn’t know it. Does that sound corny?"

Daniel grinned. "It does, except I feel the same way."

They lay together, happily content until a low rumble erupted from Daniel’s stomach.

"I was just thinking the same thing," said Annika rising and pulling him to his feet. They playfully helped each other put their clothes back on, which almost had them stripping them off again, and wandered back into the kitchen. While they snacked on the remaining cinnamon buns Annika sat on Daniel’s lap as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"So I guess you no longer have a problem with my touch?"

She blushed remembering just where she’d touched him less than an hour before. "No, not anymore."

"What changed?" He found himself holding his breath while she considered her reply.

"Nothing really. Let’s just say touching you is worth the consequences." Annika wasn’t quite ready to reveal her gift.

He frowned at her cryptic comment. "You’re not going to explain that, are you?"

She shook her head. She lowered her gaze, not wanting to see the hurt look on his face. "Please say you understand. As right as it feels between us, I’ve learnt the hard way that some things about me shouldn’t be…revealed…too soon."

He tilted her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Nothing you tell me is going to change what we have."

The conviction in his voice almost weakened her resolve. "Please," she begged. "I will explain everything soon. Just not yet."

He looked like he was about to object, but then he simply hugged her close. "Okay. Whenever you’re ready."

"Thank you." She relaxed against him.

"How about you coming round to my place for dinner?" he asked softly into her hair. They both took it for granted that they’d be spending every waking and sleeping moment together while they could.

He felt her stiffen slightly and quickly added, "I could light up the BBQ and we’ll have a mini picnic outside."

The tension immediately drained from her and she nodded. "Okay, sounds good."

Just as they were getting reacquainted with each other’s lips the ringing of her telephone broke them apart. Reluctantly she left her very comfortable 'seat' to answer it.

The caller was a potential new client wanting an engagement cake.

Seeing that the conversation could take some time Daniel rose. Embracing her from behind he lightly kissed the back of her neck. "Come round when you’ve finished."

Without breaking her conversation she brought his hand up to her lips in acknowledgement.

"See you soon." He gave a final wave and then left so she could attend to her work.

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